Personal Reading List
This is a selection of books that I've read or am currently reading in 2023 (and 2024 now).
I can proudly say that I've read these books cover to cover!
Pythonic Programming (Completed 2023/10/23)
Explain the Cloud Like I'm 10 (Completed 2023/11/19)
Clean Architecture (Completed 2023/12/??)
The Soul of a New Machine (Completed 2024/01/19)
Atomic Habits (Completed 2024/01/28)
Currently Reading
I'm actively reading the following books.
These are books that I started reading but didn't quite finish. I've gotten these to varying degrees of done (some of which I might have a single chapter or two remaining, while others I may have >50% the book remaining).
I plan on coming back to some of them, while others might be a bit too dry for my liking (cough Code Complete) or were only read for specific reference.
Readings in Database Systems (and the associated papers)
Team Topologies: Organizing Business and Technology Teams for Fast Flow